油画 桃瀬優也 / Yuya MOMOSE (oil painting)
1984 年 愛知県生まれ。古典絵画の技と美を追求し、中世ヨーロッパ古典絵画を現代に蘇らせたような女性像を描く。女性独特の柔らかな表情や肌の質感、量感を描き出すこだわりの絵肌は、独特のエロティシズムを漂わせる作品世界を現出する。
Born in Aichi in 1984, Momose paints female portraits, using classical techniques and pursuing traditional aesthetics, as if to revive the paintings from Europe in the Middle Ages. His subtle brushstrokes achieve soft and womanly expressions as well as voluminous and tactile depictions of human skin, adorning his works with unique eroticism.